Donna Peters Psy.D., P.C.

Dr. Peters holds the following degrees:
- Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology, University of Denver-Specialty Focus: Forensic Assessment/Behavioral Analysis
- Masters degree in Clinical Psychology, University of Denver
- Masters degree in Counseling, University of Maryland
Dr. Peters has 24 years of clinical/forensic experience with diverse populations in various settings to include:
- U.S. Navy/Marine Corps-Family Advocacy Program
- U.S. Army-Behavioral Health
- Denver VA Medical Center
- Heathright International, Human Right’s Clinic
- Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network
- Private Practice
- Kaiser Permanente
- Rape Assistance and Awareness Program
- Department of Vocational Rehabilitation
- Memphis Sexual Assault Resource Center
Dr. Peters has served as guest lecturer and provided trainings on topics to include domestic violence/Intimate partner violence, sexual assault, childhood sexual/physical abuse, working with torture and refugee populations, posttrauma sequelae and impact of victimization, combat related PTSD, and biology of trauma in settings to include:
- University of Denver, Graduate School of Professional Psychology
- University of Denver, International Disaster Program
- Military and Civilian law enforcement agencies
- University of Maryland, Graduate Program in Counseling
- Colorado Department of Corrections
- Planned Parenthood
- Rape Assistance and Awareness Program
- Numerous community groups
Dr. Peters holds membership in a variety of professional organizations to include:
- Member, American Psychological Association
- Member, American Psychological Associate-Division of Trauma Psychology
- Member, American Psychology-Law Society
- Member, International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
Tel: 303-594-7604
Fax: 720-529-1557