Immigration Assessment
Donna Peters, Psy.D., P.C. provides psychological immigration evaluations in Asylum cases, VAWA (spouse/partner abuse), U visa, I-601 Waivers, T visa and Medical Certification for Disability Exceptions (648 Form).
Dr. Peters has conducted over 800 immigration psychological evaluations over the years with children, adolescents and adults and has provided expert testimony in Federal Immigration Court on numerous occasions.
As part of the evaluation, Dr. Peters will gather pertinent psychosocial information that covers an array of areas. She administers psychological tests/assessments relevant to your particular history and type of immigration application.
The evaluation process can take 3 to 5 hours and is normally completed during one visit. The information gleaned from the extensive interview and psychological testing is then compiled into a detailed, psychological report. Dr. Peters works through language interpreters as necessary. She will consult with your attorney and review pertinent medical, mental health, legal and academic records if available. Dr. Peters will consult with collateral sources of information as necessary for your case to include teachers, medical professionals or current mental health care providers.
Please call to obtain more information about how an immigration psychological evaluation can be helpful in a successful immigration application/case.