Dr. Peters provides Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) consultation for EMDRIA approved Level II trained clinicians seeking Certification in EMDR or Approved Consultant status. Consultation is provided in individual or small group formats and is arranged according to individual experience in using this very powerful therapy tool. Dr. Peters has been trained in EMDR since 1997 and has used EMDR with hundreds of clients with a variety of presenting problems. For more information on the requirements for EMDR Certification or Approved Consultant, please visit the EMDRIA website.
Dr. Peters provides supervision or consultation in the provision of trauma related treatment based on many hours of advanced training in trauma research and treatment and years of experience in working with hundreds of trauma survivors. She also provides supervision for licensure for both master’s level and doctoral level providers and has been supervising in the area of mental health since 2006.