Welcome. This website will provide you with information regarding the type of services offered, as well as related information and additional resources that you may find helpful.
Dr. Peters is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist with a private practice located in the Denver area. She has both a master’s and doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology and a wide breadth of experience in helping individuals struggling to find solutions to life’s problems or to grow and expand in desired directions.
If you have tried to find solutions to your difficulties on your own and have discovered that you may need some assistance, Dr. Peters can help you. Your therapy will focus on tapping into your own internal resources and helping you use those resources to move in a desired direction in life. The ultimate goal is helping you to live well. Proven techniques will be used that are intended to assist you in creating practical and tangible responses to life’s problems as well as develop skills that you can use to address any future difficulties.
If you would like to explore how you and Dr. Peters can work together to resolve your problems, please don’t hesitate to call to set up your complimentary initial consultation session. Dr. Peters will sit down with you and explore ways in which your current situation can be improved.
Wishing you well,
Donna Peters, Psy.D., P.C.